DNA Testing

Genetic Testing – United States

Xeris Pharmaceuticals has graciously partnered with Prevention Genetics to offer a free periodic paralysis gene panel test to those who are experiencing episodes of muscle weakness, stiffness and other symptoms that could be correlated with Primary Periodic Paralysis. Click on the link to discover how you and your medical team can order your free kit today!

Prevention Genetics | Uncovering Periodic Paralysis

DNA Testing

Genetic Testing – Europe


Dante Labs offers a wide range of genetic testing and services in addition to a Periodic Paralysis Panel test. These services may also be available to countries outside the United States and the EU. Click on the link to learn more about what Dante Labs can do for you!

Dante Labs – United States
Dante Labs – United Kingdom

National Library Of Medicine – Clinvar

ClinVar – National Library of Medicine, is a freely accessible, public archive of information about genetic variations and its relationship to human health and can be very helpful in learning more about your specific genetic Variant of Unknown Significances (VUS). Click on the link to learn more.
