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Periodic Paralysis International, Inc


Periodic Paralysis International (PPI) has partnered with the Periodic Paralysis Support Network (PPSN) to proudly present a virtual event featuring Dr. Jacob Levitt:

Join Dr. Jacob Levitt, President of Periodic Paralysis International, for an insightful discussion on the diagnosis and latest treatments for Periodic Paralysis. Following his presentation, attendees will have the chance to engage directly with Dr. Levitt in a Q&A session. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and get your questions answered!

If you prefer not to speak during the open Q & A session but would still like to get an answer to a question, you are welcome to submit it ahead of time. Please submit any questions to: [email protected]

To attend, please pre-register at the link below.

Thank you!

Join us Thursday, February 27th at 8pm EST via Zoom at:
