Hypokalemic PP Medications

Potassium supplementationPotassium supplementation can be used in patients who have episodes that involve a drop in potassiumlevels. These supplements come in multiple forms. Different forms of potassium may be easier forpeople to take due to size and texture. Some people find that a certain manufacturer/brand ofpotassium is easier to swallow due to the coating on…

*A Diagnostic Flowchart for Diagnosing Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis

The normal renal response when hypokalemia is due to non-renal causes is a TTKG <2, where a TTKG >5 is indicative of increased secretion of K+ in the cortical collecting ducts. Thus a transtubular potassium concentration gradient (TTKG) of greater than 3.0 indicates hypokalemia of renal origin, while a value below 2.0 indicates intracellular shift…

*Starting Acetazolamide (Diamox)

Question: My doctor wants to prescribe a medication called acetazolamide. Is that okay for someone with Hypokalemic periodic paralysis? When I look on the web it says this medication causes you to excrete potassium. How can that be good for me? Answer: The “starter pak” is Diamox (acetazolamide) plus a potassium supplement. While Diamox reduces…

*GUIDELINES ved indlaeggelse for Hypokalemisk Periodika Paralyse Patient

Navn & CPRnr Højde:  cm Vægt:  kg Adresse: Egen læge: Emergency contact: navn (tlf: ) + evt personlige assistent og/eller ledsager: OPMÆRKSOMHED: patienten placeres i aflåst sideleje for at holde luftveje frie/åbne ved anfald. De paralytiske anfald kan hurtigt udvikle sig til lammelse og respirationssvigt. – overvåg patienten nøje. (Lammede patienter kan synes at være…

*Hospital Management Guidelines – HypoKPP

Patient’s Name: ______________________________________________ Birthdate: _________________________Height: ____________Weight: _______ Address:________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Primary Physician: _____________________________________________ Physician Phone: _______________________ FAX: ______________________ Emergency contact:  Your emergency contact should be someone who can speak for you when you cannot advocate for yourself. Name: ____________________________________________                                  …

*Determining the Origin of Hypokalemic Paralysis

Using the Transtubular Potassium Concentration Gradient to Determine the Origin of Hypokalemic Paralysis Many patients with hypokalemic paralysis live in diagnostic limbo for years without appropriate testing and therapy. Since time is muscle in the channelopathies, patients need speedy diagnosis and treatment. Repeated studies have shown that the transtubular potassium concentration gradient (TTKG), easily performed…

*Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis

Physician’s Summary Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HypoKPP) is one of the primary forms of periodic paralysis, caused by one or more mutations in the calcium, sodium or potassium ion channels in muscle membrane. Features of Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis There are two forms of HypoKPP, a paralytic form and a myopathic form. The paralytic form is more…

*Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis

A Quick Overview of Hypokalemic PP 1) Patient has “attacks” of weakness and/or floppy paralysis which have clearly defined beginnings and endings. 2) First attacks occur by the age of 16 in 65% of patients. 3) Attacks follow triggering events (vigorous exercise, intense short-term stress, fright) or a meal high in carbohydrate and/or sodium (baked…

*Akut behandling af et hypokalemisk paralytisk anfald

Danish version of “Emergency Treatment of the Hypokalemic Paralytic Attack”  Første skridt: 1. Åndedræts- eller hjerteanfald er mulige 2. Tjek hjerte og vejrtrækning – dilatation i hjertet kan forårsage høj puls og lavt blodtryk. 3. Foretag måling af hjerterytme/EKG. 4. Mål elektrolytter for at bestemme serum K+ 5. Giv ilt – blodprøve fra fingeren afspejler…