*Healthcare Should Be a Team Sport

You can watch Eric’s Ted Talk here: https://www.ted.com/talks/eric_dishman_health_care_should_be_a_team_sport/transcript    Or read the transcript below:   When Eric Dishman was in college, doctors told him he had 2 to 3 years to live. That was a long time ago. Now, Dishman puts his experience and his expertise as a medical tech specialist together to suggest a bold…

*Medical History Form

This one page form can be adapted to your needs. Erase what doesn’t apply and add in your own information. List your ideal serum K+, blood pressure, heart rate and other important health parametres. List your diagnoses, any drug allergies, your meds and doses, your surgical history, any other important medical information. Fold it and…

*Management and Treatment of the PPs

Management Tools Medical History Form Some Excellent Tracking and Management Tools from Strongbridge  Information About Treatments  Starting Acetazolamide (Diamox) Potassium (K+) Supplements Commonly Prescribed for HypoKPP Keveyis (dichlorphenamide) is now available to patients with periodic paralysis Strongbridge Biopharma, a company which specializes in medications for rare diseases, is now providing Keveyis (dichlorphenamide) to patients with…

*DNA Testing for US Patients

DNA testing for Patients in USA “Uncovering Periodic Paralysis” is a no-cost genetic testing program offered by Strongbridge Biopharma for those who qualify. Although genetic testing can confirm a suspected diagnosis, the absence of a genetic mutation does not rule out diagnosis of the disease. The Periodic Paralysis Panel includes testing of the three genes…

*How Changes in Potassium Cause Weakness in Periodic Paralysis

About 50 different genetic mutations have been identified in association with the periodic paralyses. Each of these mutations affect the structure or function of either a sodium, calcium or potassium ion channel. These mutated ion channels are located in the skeletal muscle membrane. The muscle membrane is an active, living tissue which wraps around the…