*The Abortive Attack

Weakness Between Attacks Are Weakness and Fatigue Between Paralytic Attacks Symptoms of Periodic Paralysis? Patients frequently report that their physician denies that muscle weakness and fatigue between paralytic attacks are a part of periodic paralysis. While it has been reported in the past that patients with periodic paralysis had ‘normal’ muscle strength and no lingering…

*What is Periodic Paralysis?

The periodic paralyses are a group of rare inherited disorders that cause temporary episodes of muscle weakness or paralysis. Periodic Paralysis is found in all races and genders. Some patients have their first attack within minutes of birth, but a few don’t have symptoms until they are in their 60’s or 70’s. Attacks may last…

*Site Index

The Diagnostic Process  There are a number of tests  used to diagnose the periodic paralyses. The only definitive test is a positive genetic identification, but a negative genetic test does not rule out periodic paralysis. Genetic testing still cannot identify a genetic mutation in about 20% of clinically diagnosed patients with PP.  The Compound Muscle…